Blade T Bannon
Project History, Press and Reviews

Blade is honored to have been chosen to work with the following businesses and publishers.
Ajaxx63 apparel: 8917 35th Ave NE Seattle, WA 98115 2014-2015
Mascular Magazine: Summer Issue 6 “Water”
Daddy Hunt by Blade T Bannon 2013 (Bruno Gmunder Verlag)
Turnon: Muscles - International compilation featuring Blade T Bannon (Bruno Gmunder Verlag) 2013
Fur: The Love of Hair - International compilation featuring Blade T Bannon (Bruno Gmunder Verlag) 2013
Hair: 2012 Calendar Featuring Blade T Bannon 2013
Hair: Hairy Men in Gay Art - International compilation featuring Blade T Bannon (Bruno Gmunder Verlag) 2013
H Magazine: Junior mixbrazil H - Interview and Art of Blade T Bannon 10/2012
100% Beef Magazine 2010
Prior to 2010 Blade worked solely for private clients.
He has exhibited at Daddy's Barbershop in San Francisco from 2010 to 2021, and has also exhibited at A Different Lights Bookstore, Books Inc. and Moby Dicks. Currently he is focusing only on book publishing and is not exhibiting.
Advocate Magazine Review.
The amazing art historian, Grady Harp, wrote this about Daddy Hunt: This book is filled with hairy rough trade types, though without a doubt many of these models are gentle caring guys in reality. The photos are posed indoors and outdoors, dressed and undressed, aroused or at ease. And in every full page image there is personality pouring out all over the place.
Blade T Bannon became highly respected with the success of being featured in HAIR: Hairy Men in Gay Art, in FUR: the love of Hair, and in Turnon: Muscles - all published by Bruno Gmunder, as well as his own earlier successful publication My Mentor, My Guide: A Handbook for Daddies and Boys for the new Generation. There is definitely a public for Bannon's art and it seems to be growing. This is a well-produced, richly colorful monograph of Daddies!
Bay Area Reporter, April 2008, Jim Piechota, My Mentor, My Guide. In the review he states: "Dubbed a "Handbook for Daddies and Boys for the New Generation." San Francisco Resident Blade Bannon's new handbook smartly addresses the theories of male bonding, sexual role-play, and the meaningful, highly intimate connections that develop between men active within the BD/SM arena."